Welcome to Methylation Test Professionals specialists in Methylation, genetics, testing and treatment

#1 Place in Australia to test for methylation problems, genetic problems and find real solutions.  Understand how to advance your health, resolve complex symptoms, discover your genetic mutations, and discover your optimal health via advanced treatment options.

Genetic and Methylation Testing



It’s time to discover your unique genetic mutations and take full advantage of what you don’t know about yourself.
Find out what genes you have right now, that are holding you back from being at your best health.
Find out which genes are not functioning optimally and what you can do to increase your health 10 fold.
  • Our genetic and methylaton tests provides you with the most comprehensive range of important data that helps to determine your current overall wellbeing.
  • We can analyze your major genetic problems and what’s affecting your day-to-day function.

This is all based on your genes and methylation specifically. It’s just about having that secret advantage that will show you exactly how your genes operate, helping you to know what areas of your health need improvement, giving you a roadmap on how to optimize your health at a deeper level.

Everyday people, some with even serious health problems have used our advanced testing methords to overcome health problems that in many cases have been holding them back for most of thier lives.  Now we have the knowlege to understand why and how to get that levergaed advantage by solving these hidden genetic deficiencies.

Discover your body's nutritional deficiencies

Did you know that over half of the worlds population have gene mutations in methylation that causes some of the most common health problems today?

fatigue, burned out

Most Common Symptoms of Genetic and Methylation Problems

Are You Ready To Find Out The TRUTH About Your Body's Strengths & Weakneses?

This could be your chance to uncover what’s really going on for your health from the inside out.

But first, let’s talk about something you might not know…

Did you know that over half of the world’s population has many genetic mutations that make it harder for them to create enough methylation?

In layman’s terms, this means that your body may not be functioning as it should.

The methylation cycle is a crucial process that your body goes through to convert raw nutrients into usable forms that your body needs.

This process is essential for everything from energy production,  detoxification, hormone balance,  maintaining proper immune and nervous system function along with antiaging.

But here’s the kicker — it’s not just one gene that can cause issues. There are actually over 20 main genes that could be mutated in methylation alone, preventing your body from functioning optimally and depriving it of essential nutrients.  Starting to make sense of why your health problems seem so hard to discover and resolve now?

“Don’t let your symptoms define your life, bio-hack them, and improve your health and the health of the whole family". "Genetics run in families, this means the whole family can get advantages in their health with biohacking".
Russell Browne Methylation, genetic mutation and biohacker
Russell Browne
Methylation & Genetic Mutation Biohacker


It’s true, you can’t change your genes, your were born with them, but you can improve how they function.

Did you know that everything that you put into your body must be converted into its usable form?

Everything from proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, fats, minerals, nutrients, vitamins and thousands of biochemical pathways must work together in order for you to maintain good health.

Your body can convert  these compounds when your genes are working properly and your body is clear of inhibitors, but  for most people this is not case.

When your body can’t convert something, you’re left with a nutrient, enzymes and catalysts deficiency and or imbalances, which can cause health problems.

And if you don’t identify these imbalances effectively and promptly, they’ll accumulate until they’re beyond your control leading to many of the health problems people have today.

If you’re looking for answers to improve your wellbeing or increase your wellness/performance, then you best take this test. 

Your health is your number 1 biggest asset and when you are not at the top of your game, that’s a message that something is not working the way it should, when that happens, think “genetics”. 

Are you ready to do what it takes to reclaim your power and take control of your health and wellness? Well, you’re in the right place, get started today.

You are unique and so is your body's needs

Everybody is different and unique in their own way, this means not one person has simular DNA.

So when it comes to wanting to feel better and or optimize your underlying health at a deep level, in a unique way that best suits your DNA, you need to customise your stratergy, thats why methylation test pro has built out important methylatin and genetic tests that work to provide those answers you have long been looking for. 

By getting your tests done here today you will be able to better understand your DNA and be able to build customised solutions that can advance you health like you may have never relized you could before.

"Since we did the genetic and methylation programs with methylation test pro we have significantly improved our health, our relationship is better than ever and our business runs much better because we have better health and focus".
Testimonial Craig and Fiona Bailey
Craig & Fiona Bailey
Family Business Owners
"This program has changed my life from complete mess, anxiety, depression and panic attacks to finally being a peace, that is priceless, I can't be more grateful, I cant express how much everyone need to do this, thank you guys".
Melisa Cross
Master Yoga Practitioner
"The principles used by these guys are the gold standard of health and fitness, it has changed the way we look after our health and the way we now treat our clinets".
Testimonial Michael & Claire Woodford
Michael & Claire Wooford
Fitness Trainers
"Understanding methylation and genetics is the missing link for many people seeking medical advice, unfortunately this has little to no consideration in modern day medical science, when we combine the two sciences we can get much better outcomes for patinets".
Testimonial Dr Hampton
Dr Anonymous
Intergrative Medical Doctor
"My patients always get better outcomes using genetics, thanks for teaching me how to be the best version of myself and for helping me to be the best at what I do, from my heart, thank you ".
Michelle Pretty
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