Methylation and Genetic Testing Options

There are several components to getting advantages from using your genetics or your genetic mutations to understand your needs nutritionally.

Genetic tests can show you which mutations you have, this can be used as a guide as to what may or may not be your strengths and or weaknesses.

Methylation testing can be looked at from different perspectives, the first is from a genetic mutation perspective, for example, which genes in my methylation cycle have mutations and are they actually problematic?

Then there is testing for your actual methylation markers, these are your actual biochemistry markers, the levels of each substance in your methylation cycle which tells you what your methylation is doing, so there is a big difference between testing for your methylation genes and testing for your actual methylation markers and for this reason, many people do both to get the whole picture.

Then for many people, want to know what they may be deficient in because of their gene mutations and or their methylation problems and for this reasons, it is important to test for multiple nutritional, toxicity, and biochemistry markers so you know exactly what’s deficient, in excess, what might be interferring with or might be problematic for them, getting in the way of their progress to getting the results that they want e.g good health and wellbeing.

It for all of the above reasons Methylation Test Pro provide a wide range of tests that cover everything to do with methylation and genetics and we don’t stop at 5 genes like other prominent biohackers claim are the most important, this is because all genes and biochemistry work together, this means you can’t risk focusing on 5 genes when your personal “needle in the haystack” may be hidden outside of those 5 genes. 

Methylation Tests

Genetic Tests

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